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Compare texts, languages, or ideas with our Parallel Read feature. Read two books or documents simultaneously in a split-screen view, perfect for researchers, language learners, and multitaskers.

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Break barriers with
effortless understanding.

Instantly translate paragraphs with DeepL or look up terms using Wikipedia integration. Perfect for multilingual readers and curious minds.

Redefine Your Reading Experience

Explore an eBook reader built to elevate your journey, with features crafted for curious and passionate readers.

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Parallel Read

Synchronize views seamlessly while reading two documents side by side.

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Reading Essentials

Highlight, bookmark, take notes, and perform full-text searches all in one place.

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Adjust fonts, layouts, and theme colors to create your perfect reading environment.

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Smart Tools

Use built-in dictionary, translation, and Wikipedia for effortless understanding.

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Upcoming: Cross-Platform Sync

Read seamlessly across all platforms with backup and syncing between devices.

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Upcoming: AI TTS

Listen to your books with future AI-powered text-to-speech functionality.

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